
H. P. Hardman	The Shareholders recommended that
		the Directors take the necessary
		action towards inaugurating a
		public testimonial to Mr. H. P. Hardman
		for his very valuable services to our
		club during the past five seasons.

Grants to	Several shareholders made suggestions
Hospitals	as to making grants to Hospitals
		but no recommendation or resolution
		was passed.

Auditors	Mr. 	  proposed
		Mr. 	  seconded
		and it was resolved.
		That Messrs T. Theo. Rogers Bowler & Co.
		be re-appointed auditors to the Co.
		at a fee of Fifty guineas.

List of		The Secretary read a list of the
Engagements	players engaged for next season.

		Several shareholders expressed the
		opinion that another first class full
		back should be engaged also a

		Mr. J. Y. Paterson proposed
		Mr. S. M. Crosbie seconded
		and it was resolved.
		That a hearty vote of thanks be given
		to the Directors, Secretary & players
		for their services.
		The Chairman and Secretary having