
Checkogram	The Secretary read letters from the Chairman
		of Checkogram asking for an interview
		today and that he had agreed to
		meet him at 6 pm.	Approved.

Balfe		The Secretary read letter recommending
		Balfe full Back Shelbourne & that
		on making enquiries he learned he was
		consumptive.	No action.

Chadwick	The deputation to the League Meeting
		reported that the League had declined
		to alter the fee placed upon Chadwick's
		transfer but recommended that with
		the consent of the F. A. we give Chadwick
		£100 out of the transfer in lieu of a benefit.
		Resolved that the consideration of
		the recommendation be deferred.

Lacy		The Secretary reported his visit to
		Dublin; that Lacy played very well
		& his recommendation that he be
		secured at 50/- & £3 was confirmed.

McCormack	The Secretary was instructed to accept
		a minimum of £100 for the transfer of
C. Stevenson	and a minimum of £25 for C. Stevenson.

Settle		The transfer of Settle to Stockport
		County at £200 payable in two
		instalments was confirmed.

Reduction in	The Secretary reported his interview with