196 [Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel May 14th 1908.] Present Dr. Whitford Chair Messrs Baxter Davies Kelly Kirkwood Wade Wilson Minutes The minutes of the Finance Meeting were read & confirmed. Pratt The engagement of Pratt at 32/6 per week in close season & 50/- per week in playing season with £10 Bonus and transfer fees of £20 to Barrow & £20 to Birmingham was confirmed. Statement of a/cs The Secretary presented. Balance Sheet &c a. Draft statement of Income and Expenditure. b. Profit and Loss. c. Balance Sheet. Mr. Herbert Bowler attended & explained same. It was resolved. 1. That the amounts due from Sundry debtors be valued for the purposes of the Balance Sheet at £14.3.4 on open a/cs. 2. That a depreciation of 10% be written off ground stands hoardings & erections amounting to £1555-3.2 and off office