Crews T. £2 and £2.10.0 Dawson H. £3 Donnachie J. £4 Evans R. M. £1.10.0 Freeman B. C. £4 Harris V. £4 Jones Thos. £2.15.0 and £3. Maconnachie J. £4 Makepeace H. £4 Meunier J. B. £2.10.0 and £3 Mountford H. £3 Rafferty D. £3 Scott Wm. £4 Sharp Jno. £4 Stevenson Wm. £3.5.0 and £3.10.0 Strettle S. £2.15.0 and £3 Taylor J. D. £4 Woods L. G. £1.15.0 Young A. £4. Continental The Secretary read communications Tour from Mr. Bainbridge. Checkogram The Secretary reported the acknowledgement of our notice of determination of the tenancy by Checkogram Co. Ltd. Chadwick The Secretary read Chadwick's application to the League for a free transfer and he with Drs. Baxter & Whitford were instructed to attend the League Meeting at Manchester tomorrow to oppose same. The Secretary reported having given