186 receipt for £100 : that in giving two letters we had, in the view of the Whitchurch F. C., assisted their Secretary in perpetrating a fraud upon his club : that they were not prepared to release us from the further payment if we signed Mason on & that they threatened unless we paid them £50 for such release they would report the matter to the F. A. & that he the Secretary had informed them that the two letters each for £50 & the open cheque for £100 had been given to the accredited agent of the Whitchurch F. C. at his request, that they were not prepared to offer Mason an engagement for next season unless released from any further liability: that under the terms of the agreement they were in a position to engage Mason for any subsequent season free from any further liability (which was admitted) & that he on behalf of his club declined to be intimidated by any threat of report to the F. A. & that if they felt inclined to make such report his club would welcome any investigation. The Secretary’s action was approved. Haydn Price The Secretary read an application from Haydn Price for an engagement - declined. Gill The Secretary read correspondence re Gill.