180 The following players together with the fees were ordered to be placed on the "Open to Transfer list" League & Combination Abbott Walter t'sferred £200 £350 McCartney Alexander D. £200 Birnie Alexander t'sferred£50 £75 MacDonald Alexander £100 Black William transferred £75 £200 McCormack Andrew now £50 £100 £200 Boardman Thomas £75 Mason John £100 Bone J. £30 Micklejohn G. £25 Booth Thomas t'sferred £75Condal£200£350 Molyneux George £250 Blythe J. £100 Palmer J. £25 Brearley John £200 Quinn John £150 Brown Charles £150 Roberts Elias £25 Butler Thomas J. £50 Roberts J. £10 Chadwick A. £50 Roche W. £25 Chadwick J. £20 Sharp B. £50 Chadwick Thomas t'sferred £350 Settle James t'sferred £200 £350 Clarke Charles £250 Simpson Thomas £100 Collins Harry £75 Sloan Donald t'sferred £300 £350 Cooke Harry E. £50 Stevenson Charles t'sferred £7.10£10 £50 Corrin Thomas £50 Turner A. £25 Crelley John £200 £300 Turner Edward £50 Dorward William R. £75 Turner Joseph £75 DePledge Robert P. £25 £75 Turner Matthew £100 Evans Charles F. £50 Watson John Red by League £25 £50 £100 (conditionally) Gordon H. £50 Whelan Thomas £50 Graham Robert {t'sferred} £250 £350 Wildman William £100 Green Ellis £25 Winterhalder Arthur t'sferred £175 £350 Hannen John now £75 p112. £150 Wilson David £100 Joyce Frank £25 Worthington J. R. £20 Kitchen George £300 Lee John £50 Littlejohn J. £25 McAdam William R. £25 Geo. Mahon