Parkin & The deputation reported their visit to Prince Tranmere but no course of action was decided upon. Re engagement The instructions to the Secretary were of players as follows:- Crews To offer Crews £2 and £2.10.0 Bolton " Bolton £4 Rafferty " Rafferty £3 Strettle " Strettle £2.15.0 and £3 Stevenson " Stevenson £3 and £3.10.0 Meunier " Meunier £2.10.0 and £3 Couper " Couper £4 Chetwood " Chetwood £2 and £2.10.0 he to be allowed to work during close season. Mason The Secretary reported a phone conversation with Whitchurch F. C. in which they asked a further £50 & if Mason played in the League team the remaining £50 & it was resolved that the Secretary write declining the offer & to place Mason on the transfer list at £100: he also reported that Whitchurch appeared to have reserved £50 for Mason whereas the official receipt was for £100. Continental The Secretary reported the facts and Tour correspondence relative to the match at Haarlem on May 3rd & after long discussion the following resolutions were passed. To wire Haarlem cancelling the match for the 3rd May