10. [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Aug. 28 1907] Present E. A. Bainbridge Esq. Chair Messrs Clayton Davies Kelly Kirkwood Wade Whitford Refreshment The Directors inspected the proposed sites Tents. for the erection of Bovril and British Workmen P. H. Co. tents and resolved. 1 (a) That the B. W. P. H. Co. tent now in course of erection be forthwith removed. (b) That the room (originally intended for Groundsman's Store) at the west end of the South goal stand be offered instead. (c) That permission be given the B. W. P. H. Co. to have a moveable counter to project 2 feet to the right or north 6 feet to the south and 3 feet to the west of the doorway such counter to be removed at the end of each game; the whole to be made & painted in harmony with the surrounding erections. (d) To have gas laid on or a fire outside for cooking purposes. (e) To lower the floor of the room if necessary. 2 That Bovril Ltd. be offered a site at the south end of the west stand to erect a stall not exceeding 12 feet in length & 5 feet in depth the height of the roof at