Borthwick Messrs Bainbridge, Kirkwood & the Secy. Turner Brown were instructed to go to Scotland on Sinclair Wednesday with full powers. Friendlies The Secretary was instructed to write Messrs Munroe & Langford re matches. Reengagement The revised list of engagements of of players players were as follows. Adamson Balmer R. Balmer W. Coleman Chetwood 30/- & £2 Donnachie Evans 30/- Makepeace Maconnachie Mountford 40/- & 60/- Rafferty £3 Sharp Scott Stevenson £3 Strettle £3 Taylor Woods 30/- Young Berry 30/- Freeman Harris Dawson £3 All unmarked up to £4. The following players to be placed on the transfer list Abbott £350 Bolton £350 Booth £350 Black £200 Crelley £300 Chadwick £350 Cook £50 Crews £100 Graham £350 Settle £350 Sloan £350 Stevenson C. £50 Winterhalder £350 Christopher nil McCormack £200 The consideration of the following players was deferred. Couper Jones for Dr. Broad's report. Mason Meunier. Next meeting Thursday after match. Dawson The engagement of H. Dawson at £3