City Res. The Secretary's suggestion to defer the kick off on Good Friday from 3 to 3.45 was approved. Lanc. F. A. The Secretary was instructed to nominate Mr. Lythgoe for Div. 5. Benefit Resolved that the gross gate Match £703.19.2 be divided between Young, Crelley & Elliott. Leith F. C. Resolved that the appointment of Brown a deputation re Brown & Sinclair be Sinclair deferred to next meeting. Reports The Doctor's report was read. The Trainers made their reports. Transfer of Jno. Lorimer to Thos. Orrell Shares 3 @ 15/- 1717 to 1719 Passed. Team v Scott L'pool W. Balmer & Maconnachie V Makepeace Taylor Adamson Woolwich Couper Coleman Freeman Young Donnachie Reserves Strettle, Harris Mountford. City Res. Berry & Oldham A. Stevenson Meunier Booth McCormack Abbott Evans Graham Mason Chetwood Winterhalder E. A. Bainbridge