Harker The Secretary reported that the Hibs would part with Harker for £350 subject to the consent of Newcastle United to such transfer, that Newcastle United were considering the matter & that he (the Secretary) had asked the F. A. if they would accept Harker as our professional but that he had not received any reply & it was decided to await further developments. Continental The Secretary was instructed to ask the Tour Haarlem Club £100 for one game & £150 for two games. Dawson The Secretary reported that Mr. C. E. Sutcliffe O/L Rossendale stated the lowest price for Dawson was £125 & it was resolved that the Secretary fix him up on the best terms. Harris The Secretary reported that West Brom had Harris on the transfer list at £150 & wanted him (the Sec.) to go over to B'gham tomorrow to see what could be done: also his conversation on the matter with Mr. Sutcliffe: Harris also attended & stated that as an amateur, he signed a league form for West Brom 5 years ago on a Sunday: Resolved the Sec. wire his inability to go to Birmingham & to ask the President for permission to play Harris & leave the matter for adjudication.