[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park April 15th 1908] Present B. Kelly Esq. Chair Messrs Baxter Davies Wade Whitford Wilson Messrs Bainbridge & Kirkwood away on club business. Minutes The minutes of the last three meetings were read & confirmed. Settle Notice of motion was given to reconsider Sloan the re-engagement of Settle & Sloan. Borthwick The letters & messages from Messrs Bainbridge & Kirkwood & communicated to the Board earlier in the day were referred to as was a telegram post received that "No business done player unreasonable" and the resolution to engage Borthwick and Turner at a fee of £500 was confirmed. At this point a further telegram was received asking for power to increase the offer & it was resolved to wire "not to exceed £550." Main Resolved that we do nothing on this matter.