156 to obtain his services if possible. The Secretary reported that he was on Barnsley's transfer list at £50. Freeman The Secretary's action in engaging this player at a bonus of £10 salary £4 per week with a transfer fee to Woolwich Arsenal of £350 was confirmed. Parnell The Secretary reported that Leeds asked for an offer, fixing his price at £300 but no action was taken. Parker It was resolved that this player be watched again on Saturday next & a report made on his play. Harris The engagement of Val Harris at £10 Bonus, £4 per week & £350 transfer fee to Shelbourne was confirmed. Continental Messrs Kelly, Whitford & the Secretary Tour were instructed to see Cook & Sons as to their charge for the journey. London trip Resolved that the team return from Woolwich on Saturday night. Dawson The Secretary was instructed to write to Rossendale re Dawson. Next meeting Resolved that we meet again at 6.45 on Wednesday instead of tomorrow.