152 [Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel April 9th 1908] Present E. A. Bainbridge Esq. Chair Messrs Davies Kelly Wade Whitford Wilson Minutes The Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting. Freeman The engagement of this player was again discussed & it was resolved that the Secretary go to Woolwich & effect his engagement if possible & thence to Aberdare to join Dr. Whitford & endeavour to secure Harris. Borthwick The Hibs requiring £1000 for the transfer of the player, the Secretary was instructed to decline. Continental The Secretary read wire from F. J. Wall Tour asking if we would send a first league team to the Hague to play another English team on May 3rd & that he had replied in the affirmative if reasonable expenses paid & his action was confirmed. Mason The Secretary was instructed to say to Whitchurch that we did not propose