150 undermentioned proposal & it was decided to support same if brought up at the Annual F.A. Meeting. ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL PLAYERS UNION. 14, St. Peters Square. Manchester. April 3rd, 1908. Dear Sir, At a joint meeting of the Management Committee and the Officials of this Union, held at the Midland Hotel, Manchester, on Wednesday, April 1st, the following resolution was unanimously passed. "That it be permissible to the Directors of Clubs, at their own discretion, to award marks to their players for all matches during the season, such marks being the reward of good conduct and skill. That each mark shall irrespective of the result of the match, have a money value of five shillings, or such other sum as shall be agreed upon by this meeting, and that at the end of the season, the Club may pay to their respective professionals the total sum that these marks represent. We trust that you will see your way to support this proposition at the Annual Meeting of the F. A. I am, Yours truly, P.P. H. C. PROOMFIELD, A. B.