the limit wage. Borthwick That the Secretary had again seen Borthwick play & recommended his engagement & that he had written the Hibs - Messrs Kirkwood and Wade reported their interview with the Hibs director, Mr. Smith who promised to bring the matter before his directors. Cartwright Messrs Davies & Wilson reported their visit to Burnley but could not recommend Cartwright for engagement. J. Sharp Mr. Bainbridge reported an intimation from Woolwich that J. Sharp would play for a Scottish club next season. Goode The appointed deputation did not see this player play on Saturday. Harris Mr. Clayton being unable to go it was decided to defer the appointment of a substitute. The Secretary meanwhile was instructed to communicate with Shelbourne. Gill Mr. Garner was unable to go on Saturday but would do so today & report. Wheelhouse The Secretary reported the non- receipt of reply from Grimsby. Kyle The Secretary reported that Rangers were open to transfer Kyle but that he was informed that the club taking him would require to take two other players in addition. Freeman The Secretary reported the receipt of a wire that Woolwich were prepared to transfer Freeman, that he had arranged with Mr. Bainbridge to go