v Atherton			Sloan
		   Strettle		Meunier
		Chadwick	Booth		Abbott
		Rafferty Chetwood Couper Mountford &
		Cooke & Crews to go.

v  Manchester	Same team as v Newcastle subject
United		to alteration.

Re engagement	Deferred to special meeting at
of players	Bradford Hotel on Thursday at 3 pm.

Away games	The following deputation were
		appointed with full powers:-

Harris		April 11 Dr. Whitford & Mr. Clayton.

Douglas		Mr. Wade, Mr. Kirkwood, & the
Borthwick	Secretary on Thursday.
& Newcastle U

Partner		Dr. Baxter Apl. 4
Cartwright	Messrs Davies, & Wilson  April 4
Gill		Mr. Garner to report.
Goode		Messrs Clayton & Bainbridge Apl. 4
Wheelhouse	The Secretary to write to Grimsby.
Sharp J.	& Woolwich

Director to Atherton 	Mr. Kelly
	 on Gate	Dr. Whitford

Mason		The Secretary was instructed to 
		speak to Mason to his condition.