Director to Manchester	None

Motion re.	Mr. Clayton gave notice of motion to
Local Leagues	consider the advisability of playing a 
		series of games with teams selected
		from the local leagues & to move a 
		resolution thereon.

		The Secretary read correspondence as
		to guaranteeing a match between
		International School teams this Season 
		but it was decided that the carrying
		out of this suggestion was impracticable.

Prescot A.	The proposal to take shares in the
F. C.		Prescot A. F. C. Co. Ltd. was deferred for
		further consideration.

Graham		The motion to place Graham on the
		transfer list was withdrawn.

Gate receipts	The Secretary submitted a comparative
		statement of match receipts to Feb 29.

Chorley		Resolved we agree to Chorley F.C.'s
		proposal to play our abandoned 
		match at Chorley on March 14th.

League		Several applications for support from
Membership	clubs applying for membership to the
		League were left to the representatives
		at Annual Meeting.

Scott		The Secretary reported that Scott had been