122 Coleman The Secretary reported the engagement of Coleman at £10 and £4 per week with a transfer fee to Woolwich Arsenal of £350. Crews Also the engagement of Crews at £5 and £2.15.0 per week with a transfer fee to Woolwich Arsenal of £275. R. M. Evans Also the engagement of R. M. Evans at 30/- per week. These engagements were confirmed and transfer fees ordered to be paid. Ferguson Mr. Kirkwood reported the visit of himself & the Secretary to Cowdenbeath but could not recommend this outside right. The Doctors report was read. The Trainer made his report. Team v The following provisional team was Southampton selected. Scott W. & R. Balmer Makepeace Taylor Abbott Sharp Bolton Young Settle Hardman v Manchester Sloan United Res. Stevenson Strettle Maconnachie Booth Adamson Rafferty Chetwood Mason Mountford Winterhalder Couper to go. Gill This left back of Swindon was reported also Fleming to be very good.