4 Transfers of J. Y. Garner to C. E. Dickinson. Shares 21 Shares 1201/1210, 1636/1645 & 2412 free Passed. C. E. Dickinson to Wm. Scattergood 3 shares 1201/1203 Passed. C. E. Dickinson to Jno. Golborne 1 share 1204 Passed. C. E. Dickinson to Wm. C. Gibbon 3 shares 1205/1207 Passed. C. E. Dickinson to F. Kenny 6 shares 1208/1210 & 1646/1648 Passed. A. Briggs to Archibald Briggs 2 shares 373 & 2203 free Passed. H. & H. M. Hudston to F. Kenny of 301/5 1341 & 2340 Passed. Tranmere Rovers Permission was given to Milner & Muir to train here. English Schools A letter of thanks for the present of caps F. A. to the English Schools team was read. Employer's The Secretary reported the receipt of Liability Insurance Policy. Norwich Charity Resolved that we accept the invitation Cup to compete for this Cup. Goodison The Secretary read letter from Dr. Molyneux Avenue dated the 14th inst. & draft of proposed reply which was approved, he also reported that he had an appointment with Dr. Molyneux tomorrow. Alterations The payment of £700 to Messrs Blakeley & Co. on the Architects certificate was confirmed.