
Police Sports	The Secretary read an application from
		the Deputy Head Constable for the use of
		the ground for sports at a reduced charge
		& it was resolved that we could not
		reduce the charge from £50 & to receive
		the deputation if necessary.

St. Helens Town	An application for financial assistance
		was read and a grant of £5 made.

Alterations	The Secretary presented Certificate
		from the Architect for the payment of
		£68.18.1 to the Corporation for drain
		making in Goodison Place & the same
		was passed for payment.

Cup tie replay	The Secretary presented statement
		of cup tie receipts & expenses of the
		replayed cup tie, also statement from
		Oldham from which it appeared that
		on balance a sum of £45.10.0 was
		due from Oldham.
		The payment of £42.12.0 percentage
		due the F.A. was passed.

Williams	This full back of Chirk also Morgan
		(goal) being recommended Messrs
		Davies & Clayton were deputed to see
		them play at Chester on Saturday.

R. M. Evans	The Secretary reported that this
		player had signed a Combination
		form & that he had promised him
		a trial on Saturday, that his club