McGibbon	The Secretary read Mullen's report &
		also that he had seen him play at
		Chelsea yesterday when he was quite a
		failure & 28 years of age.
		Resolved we do nothing.

Hardy		The Secretary reported his visit to the
Yuill		Amateur trial match North v South
Duggan		at Chelsea yesterday & that Hardy
		showed distinct promise, that Yuill
		was playing out of his position & that
		Duggan was only moderate.
		Resolved that we give the South
		Bank club notice of our intention to
		approach Hardy & that he be engaged
		at £4 per week but in case he in
		the meantime be made a professional
		then the matter to be again mentioned
		before doing anything.

Mockett		This Half back and forward were reported
& Birch		by Mullen to be only fair & Birch very
(Atherton)	small and it was resolved that we
		do nothing further.

		The trainers made their reports.
		The League & Combination games were
		The Doctors reports were read (3).

		Mr. Kelly reported that he was subjected
		to most insulting remarks from Graham
		at Southport on Saturday, Lofthouse
		reported Graham's admission that he