The Secretary read a letter received from Mr. Clayton suggesting that the representative to the Annual Meetings of the League & Assocn. should be the one & the same gentleman as it was proposed to discuss the Wage limit at the League meeting but it was resolved to leave the matter over for the present. Blackburn Mr. Kirkwood reported that in his opinion (Leith) this player would not suit us. He however thought that Cooper could be obtained & he & the Secretary were deputed to go to Scotland with powers. Elliott & Lofthouse reported on their sojourn in Scotland & recommended that Maxwell (Perthshire) Right back Russell do Left " Lowe Ashfield Left half Logan Benburb " back Atkinhead Maryhill Outside right Muir do Centre forward Hastie do Inside left J. McLoughlin Renton Left half or forward D. Ritchie do Outside Left Whyte do Outside Right were worth watching Also that Mr. J. Christie strongly recommended an outside right of Kirkintilloch Rob Roy. The deputation were empowered to engage Lowe & for this recommended player. Quinn The Secretary was instructed to reply to Quinn that we would reduce his fee to £100.