		e) That the arrangements be left in the
		   hands of Messrs Bainbridge, Kelly,
		   Whitford & the Secretary.

Birmingham	The Secretary reported that Birmingham
leave to	had declined our offer of £175.
Worrall		Mr.Clayton reported that the W'hampton
		Secretary spoke favorably of Worrall.

3rd Team	Mr.Clayton reported his interview with
		Tranmere Rovers F.C. & the arrangement
		set out hereunder was adopted.
		1. That the Tranmere Rovers would at any
		   time include in their team all or any
		   players selected by us or on our behalf.
		2. That we pay the wages of such players.
		3. That the Tranmere Rovers will at any
		   time transfer such players or any of their
		   own players to us or our nominees
		   as & when we may desire.
		4. That we pay the Tranmere Rovers
		   on the transfer to us of (a) each amateur player put
		   in their team by us the sum of £25
		   and (b) each amateur player other than (a) the sum
		   of £50: no transfer fee to be paid for any player whose wages are paid by us.
		5. That we pay the Tranmere Rovers a
		   subsidy of £40.
		6. That we advance to Tranmere Rovers
		   the sum of £70 to be repaid by them out
		   of the first transfer fee.
		7. That the Tranmere Rovers improve their
		   playing pitch forthwith.