[Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel May 11th 1906] Present Jno.Davies Esq. chair Messrs Bainbridge Baxter Clayton Kelly Kirkwood Wade Whitford Minutes The minutes of last meetings were read & confirmed. Medals The Secretary submitted samples & designs. Dinner to Resolved that the proposal to give Shareholders a dinner to shareholders be not entertained. "Derby" The Secretary reporting that Sharp, Bolton, H. P. Hardman & Makepeace had expressed their inability to attend it was resolved a) That the players taking part in the cup ties, their wives (if any) & the trainer & Secretary & their wives be entertained at the Derby by the Directors b) That Director be privileged to invite one other to accompany him c) That Mr. & Mrs. & Miss Hardman be invited d) That the party leave Liverpool on the 29th inst. & return on the 1st prox