Bowser The Secretary was instructed to see Bowser at Birmingham at his early convenience. Combination The Secretary was instructed to Management Coe. nominate The present Executive; and to do the same in the case of League Mgmt. The League Management Committee. Cte. John Forley The Secretary's action in permitting a deced. Collection on the ground for the parents of Jno. Forley deced.; & the payment to them of a donation of Ten guineas was confirmed. The Secretary reported that such collection realized £23.4.10. Rankin The Secretary reported the receipt from West Bromwich A.F.C. of a 6 months bill for £125 the balance of the transfer fee herein. A/Cs The Secretary was instructed to pay the following a/cs. Brockbank & Mellor £27.14.3 McCall 19.14.6 Jno. Sharp 15. 5.0 Dr. Wright 40. 5 Backhouse 6.14.9 L'pool Corpon. Water 2. 8.4 Allens 8. 6.8 Mappin 2.14.0 Signed 1906 John Davies