Worrall		This inside forward being very strongly
(Stourbridge)	recommended Mr. Clayton was asked to
		make enquiries.

3rd team	Resolved that Messrs Clayton & Davies
		interview Tranmere Rovers with a view
		to using their team for trying players
		with power to offer them up to £50.

		Resolved that Mr. Clayton be deputed
		to second the proposal by Aston Villa
		at the Annual Meeting of the F.A. to
		amend the wage limit rule.

Strettle	The Secretary having read letter from the
		Lively Polly F.C. & his reply he was
		empowered to give a donation not
		exceeding £10 upon having an assurance
		from them that Strettle's engagement by
		us should not prejudice him in his
		employment by them.

Depledge	The Secretary was instructed to act similarly
		in this case up to £5.

Flag		Resolved we purchase a new flag.

		The Chairman of the Ground Committee
		was requested to convene a meeting for
		the consideration of ground improvements.

		Dr. Whitford gave notice to consider the
		question of endowment of a bed at the
		Stanley Hospital.