exceeding £5 each (18 ct). The secretary to write for designs. Secretary's The salary of the Secretary was increased Salary to £300 this to be maximum. Dinner to The consideration of a dinner to the Share- Shareholders holders was deferred to next meeting. "Derby" The Secretary was instructed to enquire if the cup team would accept an invitation to witness the Derby if it were arranged. Butler The engagement of Butler at 15/- & 25/- was confirmed. Stevenson The visit of Mr. Kelly & the Secretary to Accrington with the object of engaging Stevenson, Rigby & Dempsey; the engagement of Stevenson at £2 & £3 with £5 bonus to player & £30 to the club & their inability to engage Rigby & Dempsey were confirmed. Birmingham The Secretary read letters from Birmingham Compensation after which it was resolved to increase our offer to £175 failing the acceptance of which the League be asked to adjudicate. Date of Resolved that the Annual Meeting be Annual Meeting held on Monday May 28th. Neave The engagement of this player be left with Mr. Wright.