Thos. Jones.	The secretary reported that the enquiry
		re Thos. Jones being a combination player
		was adjourned to obtain evidence from
		the Prescot Wireworks F.C.

Woolwich A.	The Secretary reported the receipt of
		£126.5.0 the balance due from Woolwich
		Arsenal in respect of the replayed league
		match last season.

Representation	Mr R E Lythgoe.
on Lanc. F. A.
		The Secretary reported that Birmingham's
		claim for Compensation amounted to £204
		but that of Sheffield Wednesdays had not
		yet been received & he was instructed
		to offer £150 in settlement in each case.

3rd team	Mr. Clayton moved to subsidise the
		Tranmere Rovers F.C. for next season.
					Geo. Mahon