Neither list Ashworth S. B. Bucknall G. Bannister T. Edgar T Cropper Geo. Edwards E Finlay D Hardacre J Jowett C Littleton F W McDonald R Marquis R H Mearns A Sykes J Tickle R Thomas H. Kelly A. J. McQuillon Jno Rankin G. Haworth Wm Tomlin Jos Wildman E Williams Thos Wilson C E Butler T. J. Resolved Butler be offered reengagement up to last years terms. The Secretary having received invitations from the several music halls of the District for the directors & team, it was resolved to accept the invitation of the Empire Theatre for Thursday & the Hippodrome 2nd house for Monday. Transfer of R. E. Redman to Jas Parker shares 15/- shares No. 708 Passed. An application for the use of the ground after Saturday's match was declined. League The secretary reported that the Club had fine been fined £50 for playing under full strength & a cheque was ordered to be sent.