		see Preston North End re Rodway.

English Cup	Resolved that Mr. Bainbridge, J. Taylor
		& J. Sharp have possession of the Cup
		for one week each in the order named
		& that the Secretary see to its insurance.

Freeman		Resolved that we do nothing re Freeman.

		Notices of Motion were given to consider
		a) Presentation of gold medals to the
		Directors, secretary, trainers & cup team
		b) An increase of salary to the Secretary
		c) A dinner to the shareholders at
		Annual Meeting
		d) Entertaining the cup team to the "Derby".

Players		The secretary reported that
reengaged	Scott, Sloan, Depledge, W. Balmer, R.
		Balmer, J. Crelly, P. Hill, S. Strettle, R.
		Wright, T. Booth, J. Taylor, H. Makepeace,
		W. Abbott, W. Black, T. Chadwick, Jno
		Donaldson, J. Sharp, H. Bolton, A. Young,
		J. Settle, J. Donachie, H. Cooke, Thomas
		Jones had signed on for next season.

Transfer list	The following players were placed
		on the transfer list.
		Birnie A.	£50		Brown Chas.	£150
		Boardman T.	£25		Chadwick A.	£50
		Bone J.		£30		  do	 J.	£20
		Blythe J.	£100		Clark C.	£250
		Brearley J.	£200		Collins Hy.	£75