[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park April 14th 1906] Present G. Mahon Esq. Chair Messrs Bainbridge Baxter Clayton Davies Kelly Kirkwood Wade Whitford Wright Team v The Secretary reported that Scott was Manchester complaining of the injury to his knees sustained City at Liverpool yesterday, Crelley felt unwell, Makepeace was progressing favorably, Abbott's ankle was still weak, Black's heel was very sore after the game, R. Balmer's ankle had not recovered from the kick he received v Liverpool, Hardman felt unable to play on Monday, Sharp's leg was troubling him Bolton suffered from a kick in the ribs & Settle's knee was progressing very favorably. Scott Hill Crelley Black Taylor Chadwick Sharp Bolton Young Settle Donnachie Players to go Scott, W. R. Balmer, J. Crelley, J. Hill, to Final Makepeace, Taylor, Abott, Chadwick, Booth, Sharp, Bolton, Young, Settle, Hardman, Cooke.