		to go to Stoke with full powers.

Birnie		The Secretary was instructed to obtain
		a minimum of £75 for Birnie.

Re Signing	The Secretary reported that
		   W. Balmer	J. Crelley	J. Booth
		   R. Balmer	W. Scott	J. Taylor
		   J. Donnachie	A. Young	J. Settle
		had signed.
		That Bolton, Abbott & Sharp had not
		yet done so.
		That Chadwick wanted the maximum
		& the Secretary was instructed to offer
		him & W. Black & Hill up to £4.

		It was resolved that
		   Grundy & Butler be not engaged
		whereupon notice was given to reconsider
		McLaughlin, Butler & Collins.

		The Secretary reported that the L'pool &
		District League had fixed the match at
		Shorefields for the 19th inst.

Kyle & Stewart	Mr. Wade & the Secy reported their visit to
		Scotland & that they were unsuccessful
		in both instances & Mr. Kirkwood was
		invested with full powers re Stewart 
		when in Scotland.

		Newcastle U regretted that their arrangements
		precluded them from adopting our
		suggestion of a joint dinner on the 21st.