[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park April 13th 1906] Present Jno Davies Esq. chair Messrs Bainbridge Baxter Kirkwood Wade Whitford Wright Minutes The minutes of last three meetings and of finance meeting were read & confirmed. The engagement of Thos Jones at a salary of £2 in summer £2.5 in winter with a payment of £35 to Prescot Wireworks F.C. for transfer fee & share of recent gate was confirmed. Gordon The deputation to Scotland reported their Simpson visit & the decision to do nothing with Gordon was confirmed & Mr. Kirkwood was instructed to go to Falkirk with full powers to engage Simpson. Conlin It was resolved to further defer consideration of Conlin. Lipsham It was resolved to do nothing re Lipsham. Rouse The Secretary intimated that stoke might consider an offer of £1000 for Rouse Messrs Baxter, Wright & Secy were instructed.