inside or outside left. The Secretary was instructed to reply to Manchester United's enquiry offering to accept £120 for Birnie. Resolved that the Board & team put up at the Charterhouse Hotel after final. The Secretary was instructed to confer with Newcastle United as to dining together after match. Re Signing The Secretary was instructed to offer reengagements at the limit wage to Abbott, R. Balmer, W. Balmer, T. Booth, H. Bolton, J. Crelley, J. Donnachie, Makepeace, Settle, Sharp, Scott, Taylor, Young at last seasons salary to Chadwick, Cooke, Donaldson & Wright. Resolved that the following players be not engaged. Birnie, Collins, Hannah, McLaughlin, Oliver, Quinn, Wildman, Bannister. The following were left over for further consideration. Butler, Black, Grundy, Hill. Dilly The transfer of T. Dilly to W. B. Albion for £100 was confirmed. Good Friday The Secretary was instructed to offer £10 Friendly to Oswestry United to play here on Good Friday.