[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park March 27th 1906]. Present G.Mahon Esq. Chair, Messrs Bainbridge, Baxter, Clayton, Davies, Kelly, Kirkwood, Wade, Wright. Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. The Secretarys action in paying Oldham Athletic £4 compensation instead of £2 10/- was confirmed. Reports The Doctors report was read & his visit to W. Balmer today mentioned The trainers made their reports Messrs, Davies & Kelly reported their visit to Rainhill to see Jones. The centre forward of Prescot Wire Works & they recommended him Sephton (right back) & Twist the centre forward of Lively Polly & the Secy was instructed to arrange a match with them here. The Secretary read letter from Mr. Priestley recommending Simpson, Campbell &