Director to Nelson Messrs Clayton & Wright. Roughley The St. Helens Recs Goalkeeper being very strongly recommended Mr. Kelly was deputed to make enquiries. Jones of Prescot Wireworks being strongly recommended (centre forward) Messrs. Kelly & Davies were deputed to see him play & report. League Internl. Dr. Baxter was deputed to go with Makepeace to Chelsea on Friday. 3rd Team Dr. Whitford proposed the running of a 3rd team & it was resolved to ascertain particulars from Aston Villa. Training Resolved we continue the home system of training. Excursion The Secretary was instructed to ask the L & N. W. Ry for particulars as to excursions for Birmingham. Nixon The Secretary reported an application by Nixon for a trial & it was resolved he have one. Walter Scott The Secretary was instructed to ascertain particulars & if eligible to give a trial. Bannister Resolved we pay Bannister 20/- per week for the rest of the season.