The Secretary was instructed to offer a club having players of note a guarantee up to £20 to play here on Good Friday. Reports The League & Combination matches were reported. The Drs. report was read. The Trainers made their reports. The deputation did not visit Rossendale. The deputation to Falkirk reported very unfavorably on Gordon & Simpson & it was resolved to do nothing further. The Secretary reported his interview with Mr. Hallmark re Lipsham & that the player could be seen play at Whitchurch on Saturday. Geo. Smith The Secretary reported that this inside forward of the Rovers played half back on Saturday but after discussion it was decided to do nothing. Team v Scott Arsenal Hill R. Balmer Booth Taylor Makepeace Sharp Cooke Young Settle Donnachie. Sunderland To be selected tomorrow. Nelson. Depledge Wildman Russell Black Chadwick Donaldson Birnie Butler Bowser McLaughlin Grundy Wright & Hannen Reserves.