Woolridge Mr. Kirkwood & the Secretary reported their visit to W'hampton & it was decided to instruct the deputation to obtain his transfer up to £900 the amount asked. Hubbard Mr. Wade reported that in his view Hubbard was not good enough for us & it was decided to do nothing. It was resolved that we continue the present system of training for the present. Applications a) to sell £5 note tickets b) to permit sandwichmen to parade inside field of play - both in aid of Theatrical Gala fund & c) an application from the Licensed Victuallers Assocn. for the ground for sports were declined. An application by the Hospital Saturday Fund for the ground on May 19 was granted provided no stakes were drawn into ground. An application from the Police A S for the use of the ground on July 6 was granted on same rental as last year but the Secretary was instructed to intimate that it may be necessary for us to exclude the goal areas. Warbis. Resolved we do not proceed further.