		That Webb is very small.
		The Doctor's report was read.
		The Secretary was instructed to arrange
		for Mr. Gregson to take an X-ray photo
		of Settle's shoulder : Dr. Whitford to

		The trainers made their reports.

Lot Jones.	The Secretary reported that Lot Jones
		would not be transferred & the Secy.
		was instructed to go to Manchester
		with power to go to £300.

Hubbard		Messrs Bainbridge & Wade were deputed
		to go to Glossop with full powers.

Team v				Scott
Bolton W.		Balmer		Crelley
		Booth		Taylor		Makepeace
		Birnie  Bolton  Wright  Cooke  Donnachie.

Reserve				Collins
			Wildman		Hannen
		Black		Chadwick	Donaldson
		Tomlin  McLaughlin  Bowser  Bannister  Butler.

Evans, Hughes	Resolved a deputation visit Wrexham
Freeman.	on March 10th.

		The Secretary was instructed to pay
		the F.A. £24.10.2 & Bradford £219.5.7
		in respect of Saturdays receipts.