the transfer fees of McDermott & Kirwan
& that he had applied to them for the
Rankin The Secretary reported the receipt of £125
on a/c of £250 from West Bromwich A for
the transfer of Rankin & the arrangement
to pay the balance at the beginning of
next season but earlier if possible was
Oliver The Secretary reported the return of Oliver
& that he had no explanation to offer
for his absence.
Pavilion The Secretary read letter from the Architect
in reply to his of the inst & he was
instructed to say that if the roof be
double lapped & closer rivetted free of
further cost the Board would then
accept the same as satisfactory.
Muir & Dilly The Secretary reported the non-receipt
of replies herein.
Team v Scott
Notts C. Hill Balmer
Makepeace Taylor Abbott
Birnie Bolton Young Settle Hardman.
Robeys XI Scott
Hill Crelley
Makepeace Taylor Donaldson
Birnie Bolton Young Settle Grundy.