Morley This player was reported on unfavorably by Messrs Davies & Wright who however recommended his being seen again as his form was too bad to be true. Riley The Secretary reported that Riley was on the Rovers transfer list at £150 & he was instructed to endeavour to obtain further information. Dilly The Secretary had received no offer from Bury for Dilly. Gordon Resolved that Gordon be seen play & if satisfied to promise him an engagement at £4 & £10 bonus for next season. Reports The League & Combination games were reported on. The trainers made their reports. The Doctors report was read & the Secretary was instructed to notify the Dr. that he is expected to accompany any player in consultation. Team v Scott Chesterfield Hill Balmer Black Taylor Makepeace Sharp Cooke Young Settle Hardman. v St. Helens Collins Recs. Wildman Crelley Chadwick Wright Donaldson