Public Resolved we have one public practice Practice game - on August 24 - & that the proceeds Games be distributed equally between the Stanley Hospital & Hospital Saturday Funds charges 2d & 3d Boys 1d. South stand The Secretary read letters from the Architect 1 re flooding of cellars in Goodison Avenue. Resolved that this matter being one for the Contractors that Mr. Hartley be asked to lay the matter before them. 2 re iron railways in Goodison Place. See this Resolved that the Contractors be asked done. to re instate the wooden hoarding. Cost of Contractor 3 re Certificates. Resolved that in accordance with Mr. Hartley's certificates we pay Blakeley & Co. £700 Phillips & Co. £400 Ellisons £8.16.6 The Secretary was instructed to write Mr. Hartley that the rate of progress in laying the concrete terracing was unsatisfactory & to urge Messrs Phillips on. Pass in Resolved that the placing of the pass in & Stiles out gates be decided on Wednesday. Crush That the Clerk of Works stay the fixing barriers of the 2nd row of crush barriers in paddock. That the turnstile doors & arrival doors be fitted with uniform locks that exit doors on South stand be fixed with hasp bar & padlock. That the iron work supporting the upper deck