express invitation, any of the L'pool and District Officials to the Pavilion Mr. D.K. Mr. Clayton gave notice that he would move a resolution that we retire from the League & Combination competitions. Young, Crelley Resolved that Young, Crelley and & Elliott Elliott be granted a benefit match next season subject to the consent of the F. A. and that the choice of the Blackburn Rovers Sheffield United or Aston Villa matches be offered A. Young to have the selection the proceeds to be guaranteed at £600 & to be divided as follows:- Young 4/8 Crelley 3/8 & Elliott 1/8. Resolved that J. Sharp be granted the loan of the Norwich Cup for exhibition he to insure same. Resolved that the players other than the cup team report themselves on August 7th the cup team to report themselves on July 31 & to go on Aug. 1 for a week in Wales. Resolved unanimously that the Salary of the Secretary be increased as from May 1 1907 to £350 per annum. The Secretary read letter from Servette F. C. threatening proceedings unless £20 damages were paid. No action.