and Bangor suggested as a convenient centre & the Secretary was instructed to obtain particulars. Next Meeting June 18th. Contracts The Seal of the Co. was affixed to the Contract with Blakeley & Co. & to the amended contract with Henshaw & Sons. Secretary The motion re the Secretary was deferred owing to the non attendance of Dr. Baxter. Lochgelly The Secretary read letter from Lochgelly insisting upon £80 & it was resolved to intimate to them that if not accepted forthwith our offer of £25 would be withdrawn. Tranmere The Secretary read letter from Tranmere Rovers Rovers accepting our offer. The following a/cs were passed for payment St. Helens Town F.C. £10. B. Franklin £5.5.0 Rogers Bowler & Co. £47.2.0 West Ham £350.0.0 Lanc. Combination £3.3.0 Exchange Stn. Hotel £5.5.0 Geo. Mahon