Inside Resolved that upon the expiration of Advertisements the present contract all inside advertisements with the exception of those on the stand & pavilion roofs be discontinued. Shareholders Resolved that space be reserved for Accommodation all season ticket shareholders up to time of Kick off except upon special occasions which must be intimated thro. the medium of the press. Benefits Resolved that Young, Crelley & Elliott be given a benefit during the coming season but that the further consideration be deferred until next meeting, the Secretary to place the names of the proposed beneficiaries on the Agenda. The Lists of League & Combination Referees were compiled. Combination Dr. Whitford & the Secretary were deputed Fixtures Mtg. to go to Oldham on Saturday. L'pool & Dist. The Secretary was deputed to attend Annl. Mtg. on Friday. R. Wright The Secretary was instructed to offer these & Dorward players to Burnley at £40 & £50 respectively. Holidays The Secretary was instructed to make his own arrangements as to these. Training The proposed tour in Wales was discussed