Southport Collins
Central Wildman McQuillon
Chadwick Wright Donaldson
Rankin McLaughlin Dilly Cook Grundy
Director to Southport Mr. Clayton.
Pavilion Mr. Hartleys letter was read & it was
Roof resolved that the Secretary reply that
the east roof was not satisfactory
& that we still contend that it should
be made satisfactory without extra charge.
Pavilion The issue of the complimentary tickets was
seats discussed & it was resolved that each
director be privileged to issue six tickets
for any part of ground, this number to be
increased only under special circumstances.
Cup tie a/c The statement produced was approved
& a cheque for £220.10.1 was ordered to
be sent to Albion F.C.
Bolton A cheque for £250 the transfer fee herein
was ordered to be sent to Newcastle F.C.
Geffins This inside left (Atherton) being very
favorably mentioned Messrs Baxter &
Kelly were deputed to see him play at
Anfield on Saturday with full powers.
Morley Messrs Davies & Wright were deputed
to see Morley play at Glossop with
power to act.