Messrs Blacoe Gardner Davies Jnr. J. Nelson G. Turner W. Roberts The voting resulted as follows Mr. B. Kelly 306. DR. J. C. Baxter 288. Mr. A. R. Wade 265. Dr. W. Whitford 258. Mr. H. Wright 129. Mr. T. J. Curwen 49. The Chairman thereupon declared Messrs Kelly, Baxter, Wade & Whitford elected. Election of Mr. Davies proposed. Auditors Mr. Kirkwood seconded & it was resolved that Messrs T. Theo Rogers Bowler & Co. be reappointed Auditors to the Co. at a fee of Fifty guineas. Shareholders The Shareholders were informed that the Stand Directors hoped to make arrangements to prevent the overcrowding of the Seats in the Shareholders stand. List of The Secretary read a list of players players engaged for next season. A vote of thanks to the Directors, officials & players brought the meeting to a close. Geo Mahon