The Everton Football Club Company Limited. BALANCE SHEET AS AT APRIL, 1907. LIABILITIES. ASSETS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Nominal Capital £2500, in 2500 Shares Freehold Land ..... ............ ... 8579 15 9 of £1 each ................. ....... 2500 0 0 Ground Stands, Hoardings and Erections ---------- at Goodison Park, as at 30th April, 1906 5723 19 0 2210 Shares issued and allotted at Additions .............. ............... 90 0 0 15/- per Share paid up ...... 1657 10 0 ----------- 290 Bonus Share to Old Mem- 5813 19 0 bers ....................... 290 0 0 Less 10% now written off ........ 581 7 10 ---- ----------- 1947 10 0 ------------ 5232 11 2 2500 Office Fixtures, Implements, &c., as at 30th April, 1906 .......................... 146 17 10 ---- Additions ... ........... ............ 17 17 0 Sundry Creditors .................................. 518 4 5 ----------- Unclaimed Dividends ............................... 24 0 7 164 14 10 Balance to Credit of Profit and Loss Account ...... 22646 16 3 Less Difference on Type- writer........... 2 9 0 " 10% now written off 16 4 6 ---------- 18 13 6 ---------- 146 1 4 Investments- £5180 19s. 1d.,2½% Consols at Cost 4500 0 0 Sundry Debtors, as valued by the Directors 2838 19 4 Sundry Deposits....................... 11 8 0 Cash in North and South Wales Bank and in hand ............................ 3827 15 8 ----------- ----------- £25136 11 3 £25136 113 In accordance with the provisions of the Companies' Act, 1900, we certify that all our requirements as Auditors have been complied with. T. THEO. ROGERS, BOWLER & CO. 30 NORTH JOHN STREET, LIVERPOOL, Chartered Accountants. MAY 16th, 1907.