		of the date of the meeting & if so the were
		not entitled to vote.
		The Secretary reported that there were
		five such shareholder & he was
		instructed to write them informing
		them thereof.

League Mtg.	Dr. Whitford & the Secy. were deputed to
		attend the League meeting.

F. A. Mtg.	Mr. Bainbridge was deputed to represent
		the Club at the Annual meeting & to
		vote for the proposal standing in the names
		of Messrs Clegg Crump Hughes &c.

Auditors	Resolved that it be a recommendation
		to the Shareholders that the Auditors fee
		be increased from Forty to Fifty guineas.

Workman's	The Secretary referred to this Act
Compensation	which comes into operation on July 1st
Act.		& it was resolved to discuss the matter
		with Aston Villa when in London.

Lanc. F. A.	Mr. Kelly & the Secretary were deputed to
Ann'l. Mtg.	attend this Annual Meeting.

					Geo. Mahon